If you're looking to establish an online presence-or upgrade an existing
website - you will need professional help. A web design firm can make the
difference between a mediocre website and a stellar one-but all design firms
aren't equal, and even a good one might not be right for your particular
project. Here are a few tips for choosing the right design firm for your
First, know thyself. Before looking for a partner in designing your business
website, you'll need to know some critical information. Have a solid number
or range in mind for your budget. Know what you need your website to
do-whether that's sell your product, promote your business, educate
customers, or a combination of things. Know your audience, how your website
project fits into your larger marketing scheme, and who in your company will
be the point person for the project. Most web design companies can help you
figure out the best layout and arrangement of pages for your site, but
you're the one who will need to know what you want the website to do, its
purpose, its audience, and other marketing details.
Ask for referrals. Once you know what you want in your website, ask around
for referrals. Colleagues, business clients and partners, even
competitors-if you're on friendly terms with them-can give you
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Check out their website. Once you have a solid list of recommended
companies, check out their websites. Are their sites well-organized, with
appealing graphics$%: Is it easy for you to find information on their sites$%: A
solid web design company knows that its own website is its most powerful
marketing tool-and will put a lot of effort into perfecting it. If the
company's website has any obvious flaws, look elsewhere.
Ask to see samples. Contact companies you're interested in, and ask for
links to sample pages. If possible, ask for links to websites in your
industry or a similar industry. Look at these sites with an eye for the
general effectiveness of the site. In addition, when judging graphic
designers, look for a variety of styles and an understanding of the target
market's preferences. If a graphic design firm only has one distinct style,
chances are they won't be flexible in pinpointing the unique stylistic needs
you might have.
Know their process. Look for a clear, thorough process. The firm should
spend plenty of time learning about your website's needs and goals-the
better ones should perform a needs analysis and understand the principles of
information architecture. In addition, factor in other services the firm
offers, such as Internet marketing services, SEO, pay-per-click management,
link exchange campaigns, e-newsletter campaigns, copywriting services,
hosting, and more.
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Consider experience. Look for a solid company that has been in business for
longer than two years. An experienced company should have a few references
for you to check, or a list of testimonials to build credibility.
Ask about pricing. Some companies charge on a per-project basis, and
some on
a by-hour basis. If a company charges by the hour, there should be a price
ceiling defined in their contract to prevent the cost getting out of hand.
Get proposals. Once you've narrowed your list down to your top three or four
contenders, ask for a detailed proposal. The proposal should outline all the
services offered, define a process, give you a solid price, and outline a
projected timetable. Once you've done this, you should have all the
information you need to choose the right web design firm for your company.
Your website is a critical part of your business-and shouldn't be left in
the wrong hands. Use these tips to choose a web design firm, and take your
time in making sure the fit is right. If you do, you're much more likely to
get a website you're satisfied with.